TransfQMix: Transformers for Leveraging the Graph Structure of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Problems

Matteo Gallici, Mario Martín, Ivan Masmitja

KEMLG research, Universitat Polítecnica de Catalunia, and ICM-CISCL.
AAMAS 2023

London, 2nd June 2023

1. Motivations

How are we using information in MARL?

  • State-of-the-art approaches in MARL (MADDPG, VDN, QTran, QMix, QPlex, MAPPO, DICG) focus on the learning model.

  • Observations and State vectors are gathered from environments and input to function approximators.

  • How is this information structured? Are we using it effectively?

Information Channels

  • Information usually comes from multiple sources: observed entities, different sensors, communication channels.
  • Agents can differentiate between information channels, because they occupy always the same vector positions.

Entities features

  • Often, a subset of identical features describe the observed entities.
  • This is a graph structure!
    • Vertices -> entities features
    • Edges -> ?
  • Self-Attention can be used to learn the edges of the latent graph (Li et al., 2021).

Observations and State Matrices

  • We reformulate the entire MARL problem in terms of graphs.
  • The goal of the NNs is to learn the latent coordination graph.

Observation Matrix

Includes vertices of the graph observed by the agent at time step .

State Matrix

Describe the complete graph of the environment at time step .

Graph-approach advantages

  1. Better represents coordination problems.
  2. Allow use of more appropriate NNs (GNN, Transformers).
  3. Makes the NNs parameters invariant to the number of agents.
  4. Makes transfer learning and curriculum learning easy to implement.


  1. Cannot differentiate entities a-priori in observations, f.i. raw images (although we can for states).
  2. Cannot directly include last action and one hot enconding of agent id in the observation.

2. TransfQMix

Main features

  • Extends QMix with the use graph matrices and transformers.
    • Independent q-learners.
    • Centralized mixer which respects the monotonicity constraint.
  • Graph reasoning in both the agents and mixer.

Transformer Agent

Similar architecture to UPDET, but:

  • Q-Values are derived from the agent hidden state, reinforcing recurrent passing of gradient.
  • Separate output layer used for Policy Decoupling.

Transformer Mixer

Transformer hypernetwork:

  • Agents hidden states:
    • : q-values embedding
  • Recurrent mechanism:
    • : projection over
  • State embedder:
    • environment reasoning

3. Experiments



  • Observation entity features: ,
  • State entity features: position+velocity.
  • Extended to 6 agents (normally only 3)
  • Reported evaluation metric: percentage of landmarks occupied at the conclusion of an episode (POL)

Spread Results

Spread 3v3

Spread 4v4

Spread 5v5

Spread 6v6

StarCraft 2


  • Original state and observations already implicitly sed a graph-based observation and state
  • Reported results for the hardest maps.

SC2 Results









Model Size

Model Agent Mixer
TransfQMix 50k 50k
QMix 27k 18k
QPlex 27k 251k
O-CWQMix 27k 179k

Spread 3v3

Model Agent Mixer
TransfQMix 50k 50k
QMix 28k 56k
QPlex 28k 597k
O-CWQMix 28k 301k

Spread 6v6

Model Agent Mixer
TransfQMix 50k 50k
QMix 49k 283k
QPlex 49k 3184k
O-CWQMix 49k 1021k

SC2 27m_vs_30m

Zero-Shot Transfer

Spread: the learned policy is transferable between different team of agents.

Model 3v3 4v4 5v5 6v6
TransfQMix (3v3) 0.98 0.88 0.8 0.75
TransfQMix (4v4) 0.96 0.93 0.9 0.86
TransfQMix (5v5) 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.82
TransfQMix (6v6) 0.91 0.88 0.85 0.84
TransfQMix (CL) 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.87
State-of-the-art 0.76 0.45 0.36 0.33

Transfer Learning

SC2: learning can be speeded up by transferring a learned policy.

8m_vs_9m to 5m_vs_6m

5s10z to 3s5z_vs_3s6z

6. Conclusions


  • Take a look at how you prepare the inputs for your NNs!
  • Take profit of the graph structure of MARL problems.
  • Enable graph reasoning in NNs.
  • Explore multi-agent transfer learning.

Thank you!


  • EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie grant agreement No 893089.
  • Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S).
  • David and Lucile Packard Foundation.
  • Barcelona Supercomputing Center in collaboration with the HPAI group.

Find out more!

Poster: 22

Additional features

  • Some information get lost when dropping concatenation:
    • which of vertices represent "me"?
    • which of the vertices are "collaborative agents"?
  • Easier solution are flags into the vertex features:


SC2: 5m_vs_6m

Spread: 6v6

Future Work:

  • Explore TransfQMix's generalization capabilities by integrating several tasks into a single learning pipeline (training same agents to solve all SC2 tasks).
  • Examining the feasibility of transferring coordination policies between different MARL domains.
  • Influence of multi-head self-attention on coordination reasoning will be investigated more thoroughly.

if agents can differentiate between information sources, why not to process them coherently